by yvpub | Dec 18, 2017 | Articles
By Dave Leder Downtown Yakima looks nothing like it did back in 2004, the year Kana Winery opened its tasting room on the bottom floor of the Larson Building. As Kana owner Palmer Wright has discovered, starting at the ground level can have its advantages. Over the...
by yvpub | Sep 18, 2017 | About Yakima Valley Publishing
By Dave Leder Sometimes it doesn’t take long for the new guard to replace the old. In the Yakima barbershop fraternity, the transition has taken less than 20 years. Since Micahn Carter opened the city’s first urban-style barbershop, Yak Town’s Finest, in the late...
by yvpub | Sep 18, 2017 | About Yakima Valley Publishing
By Dave Leder If you really look around, you can find a handful of family-owned and operated auto parts stores in Eastern Washington. But every year — with every new chain store and every new e-commerce website — the options are becoming more scarce. As AutoZone and...
by yvpub | Sep 12, 2017 | About Yakima Valley Publishing
By Dave Leder It started small and snowballed from there. Eventually, Dave Fergus and his buddies were buried. That, in short, is how Avalanche Distributing was born. Fergus started the Zillah-based espresso stand supply company out of his garage in 1995, delivering...
by yvpub | Feb 3, 2017 | About Yakima Valley Publishing
Here at Yakima Valley Publishing, we send out three publications to readers around the Yakima Valley. Our flagship newspaper, the Yakima Valley Business Times, is printed twice a month and is by subscription only. The Central Washington Senior Times comes out monthly,...